Lips Modeling & Revitalization

The lip filling procedure uses preparations based on stabilized hyaluronic acid, which is an excellent modelling and moisturizing agent.

The treatment is completely safe, does not carry the risk of allergy, because hyaluronic acid is a natural component of human tissues, responsible for storing water in them. With age, there is a decrease in its level in our body, and there is photoaging caused by the negative impact of environmental factors, especially solar radiation, causing flaccidity, dryness and lack of firmness of the mouth.

A very important issue before surgery is to discuss patient’s expectations and to choose the right density and type of preparation to avoid the effect of artificiality. The goal is full, rejuvenated and moisturized, but natural-looking lips.

Depending on the needs and expectations of the patient, you can increase the volume of red lips, model the contour of the lips or fill in fine wrinkles around the mouth.

  • too small or too narrow lips,
  • asymmetry or malocclusion,
  • aging of the lips (smoker’s wrinkles, falling corners of the lips).

At our clinic lip augmentation and modelling are performed by specialists with many years of experience. Before each treatment, we conduct a medical history and then, if there are no contraindications, the specialist gives local anaesthesia (dental or special gel), which is necessary due to the high sensitivity of the area around the mouth. The next stage of the treatment is a gentle introduction (with a thin needle) of a modelling lips model. The whole procedure takes about 30 minutes and thanks to the use of an aesthetic it is a painless procedure.

After the procedure, the lips will be slightly swollen, there may also be a slight bruise, swelling. Following our post-treatment recommendations, these changes disappear after about 2-3 days and then the lips reach their final shape. It should be remembered to avoid excessive mimic deformation for several hours after the procedure, you should also not touch and massage the places where the preparation was injected. For about 3 days, you should not excessively expose your lips to sunlight and heat (solarium, sauna).

  • improving the shape of the lips, enlargement (the preparation injected into the mouth binds water and increases its volume),
  • reduction of the effects of aging on the lips (rejuvenation, hydration, improved mouth elasticity, reduction of wrinkles),
  • reduction of drooping corners of the lips,
  • improving lip tone

The effect of the treatment lasts for about 7-9 months (depending on the age, type of preparation used, skin condition and condition, lifestyle and sun exposure). Hyaluronic acid injected into the mouth constantly works and stimulates the skin like a long-lasting cosmetic procedure.

Price List

  • Lip Augmentation £220.00

    1 ml

  • Lip Augmentation £135.00

    0.5 ml

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